
Language structures – Suggestions

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Language structures – Suggestions

A tételt kizárólag az érettségi.com látogatói használhatják! Átvenni csak az oldal írásos engedélyével lehet!!

  • Let’s ………….
  • Why don’t we ………?
  • Shall we …………………?
  • How about …………….?


  • Let’s celebrate with a party.
  • Why don’t we celebrate with a party?
  • Shall we celebrate with a party?
  • How about celebrating with a party?

Agreeing with a suggestion:

  • That sounds great.
  • Let’s do that.
  • It’s OK with me.
  • That would be lovely/great.
  • I don’t mind. (Nem bánom.)


  • I don’t think it’s a good idea.
  • Let’s not.
  • I suppose we could, but…. (Akár lehetne is, de..)
  • I’d rather………. (Én inkább…..)
  • What about ………… instead. (instead – helyette)


  • Mary: It is John birthday next week. Let’s celebrate with a party.
  • Joe: Let’s not. John’s not really keen on surprise parties. But how about going to his favourite restaurant?
  • Mary: Let’s do that. Shall we buy a birthday cake?
  • Joe: I suppose we could but he is on a diet. Why don’t we buy just some small presents.
  • Mary: I don’t mind. Shall we book a table in the restaurant?
  • Joe: Yes, that’s a good idea. Let’s call them.
  • Mary: I’d rather call them tomorrow after inviting the others, too.
  • Joe: It’s OK with me.

Forrás: Open Wings English – online angol mindenkinek

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