Environmental protection
Environmental protection
prevention in environmental protection
environmental catastrophes and their consequences
People who have money usually like to spend it on things that are cheap to their wallets, and sometimes think
that the amount /mennyiség/ they currently /jelenleg/ have is not enough, if they can have more from that. We
don’t even notice /észrevesz/ it, but we are wasting /pazarol/ in every moment of our life, mostly energy, water
and of course with that, money. Just for an example of waste /pazarlás/: an average /átlag/ person throws away
the amount of food as their body weight multiplied /sokszorosít/ by 500, during their lifetime.
Fortunately, people are aware of /tudatában van vminek/ the waste and it’s harmful /káros/ effects on nature, and
now a lot of us is trying to help the environment and save the Earth, before it’s too late. In my opinion, the
appropriate /megfelelő/ education /nevelés/ plays a very important role /szerep/ in protecting our planet. When I
will be a mother, I would definitely /kétségtelenül/ teach my children to the green lifestyle. What does the 3Rs
mean: reduce /csökkent/, reuse /újra felhasznál/, and recycle /újrahasznosít/. In order /vminek a sorrendjében/ to
keep water and air clean, we should use less dishwasher, aerosol sprays, cars and so on. Even reducing
/csökkentés/ the number of the smokers would help, as the more people who give up this harmful /káros/ habit,
the less dangerous smoke flies up in the air to poison us, and to help destroying /elpusztítani/ the ozone layer.
This layer basically is made of ozone, and protects us from the harmful ultra violet rays /ultra viola sugárzás/, but
keeps all the carbon dioxide inside of it, which causes the global warming, by not letting the air cool down.
Back to recycling /újrahasznosítás/, more and more recycling bins are put out on the streets, helping to collect
garbage /szemét, hulladék/ separately /külön-külön/: paper, plastic, glass and metal /fém/. It makes a lot easier to
reuse things, like bottles, which are going into the factories separately and people don’t have to spend time on
picking out /kiválaszt/ the different ones, all of them can melt down /beolvaszt/, to be born again, maybe in an
other form. This is how we can make toys for children from nylon bags.
Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the environment and can be done on three different levels:
individual, organizational or governmental, and all these are for the benefit of the natural environment, and/or
the humans.
Enormous /hatalmas/ factories, like leather /bőr/ factories use a lot of water, and they can’t store /tárol/ or reuse
it, so they have to give it back to nature, which in this dirty status is very dangerous for any living being. So
people started to invent /feltalál/ things that would help them cleaning /megtisztít/ water, using different filters
/szűrők/, like sand chambers /homokkamra/ and chemicals, like germicides /fertőtlenítőszerek/, disinfectants
/fertőtlenítőszerek/ and so on with also dangerous and harmful things.
We are using cars and motorcycles more than public transportation, and this is a great hazard /kockázat/ to us.
We pollute the air and also cause noise pollution. At least, we should try the carpool /közös gépkocsihasználat/
thing which means when more people want to go somewhere, they don’t go all alone, but use as less cars as they
can, by fitting /bepréselés/ more people in one machine, taking into consideration /mérlegelés, megfontolás/ the
allowed /(meg)enged/ amount /mennyiség/ of people sitting in the same car at a time.
Of course, public transport may not be the same comfortable, but it is cheaper and means significantly
/jelentősen/ less damage /kár/ to the environment.
And because we don’t pay enough attention /figyelem/ to nature, it keeps warming us, that it won’t last until the
end of humanity, by sending us natural disasters, as signs. Last years was very rich in natural disasters, such as
tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes.
There also environmental catastrophes which are caused by humans, like oil spills /olajfoltok/ on the ocean,
when a ship capsizes /felborul/ or like forest fires caused by arson. These things leave a lot of damage behind
them, like homeless and hurt people, destroyed /elpusztított/ forests, fields and plantations /ültetvény/,
starvation /éhezés/ and death both for humans and animals. I think the time has come to face with our faults and
their consequences, and try to protect what’s left, or we can lose it at a glance /rögtön/.
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