
Tourist attractions of Budapest

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Tourist attractions of Budapest

I live in Budapest which is the capital city of Hungary. It is one of the biggest cities in our country, about 2 million people live there. The River Danube divides the city into two halves: Pest and Buda. Until 1872, Pest and Buda were separate cities. The two city parts are connected by famous bridges like Petőfi Bridge, Rákóczy Bridge, Széchenyi Chain Bridge, etc. In Budapest, there are interesting historic sights and buildings such as the Hungarian National Museum, National Library, or Fisherman’s Bastion. Probably, the most famous building is the Parliament Building with the Crown Jewels. Castle Hill is another popular tourist attraction as a lot of medieval buildings are situated here. An important landmark of Castle Hill is the Matthias Church, it was the coronation church of the kings of Hungary. The most popular park in Budapest is Margaret Island where the famous Palatinus Bath and Rose Garden are situated. One of the best-known monuments of Hungary is the Heroes’ Square and the Millennium Monument. Budapest is famous not only because of its beautiful buildings but because of the entertainment possibilities. You can find several excellent restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and spas. A popular tourist attraction of Budapest is the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden where a huge number of exotic animals and plants can be found. I think Budapest is a wonderful city and everybody should visit it at least once.



  1. capital city – főváros
  2. River Danube – Duna
  3. bridge – híd
  4. historic sights and buildings – történelmi látványosságok és épületek
  5. Parliament Building with the Crown Jewels – a Parlament épülete a koronázási ékszerekkel
  6. Castle Hill – Várhegy
  7. tourist attraction – turistalátványosság
  8. medievel building – középkori épületek
  9. Matthias Church – Mátyás templom
  10. Margaret Island – Margit sziget
  11. Rose Garden – Rózsakert
  12. Heroes’ Square – Hősök tere
  13. Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden – Budapesti állat- és botanikus kert
  14. Fisherman’s Bastion – Halászbástya

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