Hungary (basic info)

This country is situated in the centre of the continent, Europe. It is in Europe’s eastern part. This is the Carpathian Basin. Visitors already found a Hungarian State one thousand years ago. Its capital is Budapest and this is a small country.
The country occupies a territory of about 93 000 square kilometres. Longest distance from north to south is 268 km. Longest distance from east to west is 526 km.
It shares borders to the north with the Slovak Republic, to the north-east with Ukraine, to the east with Romania, to the south with Croatia and Serbia and to the west with Austria and Slovenia.
Our country can be divided into three large regions: Transdanubia, the Great Plain and the Northern Mountains.
There are several ranges of hills, mainly in the north and west.
The Great Plain stretches east from the Danube to the hills of the Carpathian Mountains.
As much as 50 % of the country’s territory is flat: the Great Hungarian Plain occupies the entire eastern part of the country and the small Plain lies along the north-west border.
The two important rivers, the Danube and the Tisza cut across the country from north to south.
The region between the Danube and the Tisza rivers is flat. The region is called Transdanubia west of the Danube.
Lake Balaton is the largest of inland water in Central Europe.
A range of medium height mountains stretches across the country. West of the Danube, the Transdanubian Range is about 500 metres high, divided Keszthely hills, the Bakony, Vértes, Gerecse, Pilis and Visegrád mountains.
East of the Danube the Northern Mountain Range rises to heights of 500-1000 meters, divided into the Börzsöny, Cserhát, Mátra, Bükk and Zemplén Mountains.
The highest point is Kékes in the Mátra Mountains.
The Hungarian „Puszta” is a favourite tourist destination where the characteristic animals and ethnographic traditions can be seen in the Hortobágy National Park, and in the Kiskunság National Park, when the horse shows are held.
It has quite a small population, just 10 million, and the country is small too.
63 % of the population live in towns.
It has more ethnic groups: Hungarian, Roma (Gypsy), German, Serb, Slovak and Romanian.
The official language of Hungary is Hungarian, but quite a few other languages are spoken. These are German and the Slavonic languages.
The climate is temperate continental. The coldest month is the January, and the warmest month is the August. The winters are cold and cloudy, and the summers are warm and hot.
This country name is Republic of Hungary. The government type is parliamentary democracy.
This small country is one of the great survivors of history: states and empires emerged, expanded or disintegrated and disappeared around it.
The traditional Hungarian dishes abound in piquant flavours and aromas. Dishes are flavourful, spicy and other rather heavy. People with a sensitive stomach should be careful. Flavours of Hungarian dishes are bared on centuries old traditions in spicing and preparation methods.
It is famous for embroidery of Matyó, red pepper, Hortobágy and its cuisine.
Hungary has a lively cultural life. There are a lot of popular cultural events. A lot of tourists go to us to see the open-air summer festivals. This festivals are held in different towns, such as Szeged, Sopron and Szentendre.
- situate elhelyezkedik, fekszik
- occupy elfoglal, betölt
- distance távolság
- divide oszt, oszlik
- range tér, terület
- stretch (ki)terjed, (el)nyúlik
- ethnographic néprajzi
- survivor túlélő
- empire birodalom
- emerge jelentkezik, mutatkozik, felbukkan
- expand kiterjed, megnő
- disintegrate felbomlik
- disappear eltűnik
- flavour íz, zamat, illat
- spicy fűszeres, ízes, pikáns
- bared feltár
- embroidery hímzés