Studying / work
Studying / work
(over)qualification/chances on the labour market
lifelong education
employment opportunities/mobility
chances of disadvantaged individuals/groups
In almost /majdnem/ all countries there is a law about what age children must study. In Hungary we have to go to
school until the age of 16.
Despite /vmi ellenére/ our plans, dreams and expectations /várakozások/, future may hold unexpected
/meglepetésszerű/ twists /fordulat/ and can easily leave us disappointed /elégedetlen, csalódott/. These days it is
very hard to find a job in Hungary, as the payouts /kifizetés/ are low and the taxes are high, not to mention the
price of the food, clothing, gas, electricity, water, and so on. We have to improve /fejleszt/ ourselves, study as
much as we can, and I would add /hozzátesz/ as much as we can afford /megtehet, módjában van/.
Three years ago there were drastic changes in the education system. A lot more less sponsored places are
available /rendelkezésre áll/, and if you get a scholarship /ösztöndíj/, you have to pay it back, when you go to
work abroad, or in the case if you don’t want to pay, you have to work in Hungary twice as long as you studied,
and you have to work out your debt in twenty years.
Also, it’s not always enough if you have a job, because you can lose it every day, and you don’t have to make a
mistake to become unemployed. That is why we have to study, study and study, not just the things that we are
interested in, but all the things we might /lehet, talán/ need, as it gives us more opportunity to find another job.
It’s never too late to study and to update or widen /kibővít/ our knowledge.
To speak a little more about working, we should mention how we can get a job. Basically, we can do different
things while we are studying, but these jobs are mostly available for only students and young people, like in
McDonalds. Or when you go to a specific kind of school or course, you have to spend some time practicing the
job itself, to go to a company and apply /alkalmaz/ as a student worker.
In other ways, like when you lose your job, you search the Internet, leaf through /át, keresztül/ the newspapers or
go to an office, where you can talk with a person, who informs you about the things on the job market, where
you can go to work, or what should you learn more, et cetera.
You have to write a CV, which contains /tartalmas/ your personal details /személyes adatok/, studies, previous
/előző/ job experiences /tapasztalatok/, and maybe some reasons why would you be the appropriate person for
the job. You hand it in /bead/ to the company, where you would like to work, and based on /alapul vmin/ it, they
can decide /(el)dönt/ whether they would like to interview you or not. If they call you in, you have to talk about
the same things as you had written in your CV, and you have to show your knowledge about the company, too, as
it will be very important, if you got selected for the job.
If you get it, you will have to sign a contract /szerződés/ that yes, you are there, working and serving the
company. In most places you have probation /próbaidő/, which is about 1 to 3 months long. If you and your
employer are both content /elégedett/, you will stay there, sign another contract that you are a proved
/bizonyított/ worker and you will get a bit more salary.
Of course, as you go upper the ladder /ranglétra/, you will have more important and maybe difficult jobs, and
maybe a different work time, also with more and more payout. It is called promotion /előléptetés/, but if you
aren’t working hard enough, you can easily get fired or your boss can decide if they put you back to your old
workplace. If you get a promotion, you may have to move to another place. These habits are very different in
each country.
Let’s take Hungary for an example. If somebody would have to move to somewhere else to get more money,
even just or 30 kilometers away, they rather /inkább/ stay and find another job nearer, or stay content /elégedett/
with their current /jelenlegi, aktuális/ work. In another country it’s not such a problem, like the Turkish and the
German would go even to an other continent just to get enough money to maintain /fenntart/ a good living
standard. These migrants would do even the dirtiest jobs, instead of /vmi helyett/ the people born to that country.
To look at the things from the companies’ side, they don’t have a big variety /választék/ to choose from, as they
must employ /alkalmaz/ disadvantaged /hátrányos helyzetű/ people, too. They have to pay attention to /figyelmet
szentel/ them, keep at least one handicapped /fogyatékos/ parking, build ramps /rámpa/ next to the stairs, or use a
lift, to make the disabled /mozgássérült/ people’s working circumstances /körülmények/ easier.
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