
Shopping (basic info)

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Shopping (basic info)


I love window-shopping. I like walking up and down in front of shop windows and check the goods. I like shopping especially in the new shopping center, where there are a lot of boutiques.


Every-day shopping

I do my every-day shopping in the nearest shop. I am a regular customer there. The assistants know me and they are very polite with me. I often do the shopping on my way home from work. I buy bread, milk, cold cuts, and some basic food for supper and breakfast every day.

Weekend shopping

To do my weekend shopping I go to the nearest supermarket because it sells almost everything that a family needs. The customers walk between the shelves and fill their baskets with different goods. The shops are full of customers. On Saturdays, you always have to queue up in front of the counters, as well as, at the cash-desks. I like shopping in a supermarket because I can get almost everything under one roof. Almost all supermarkets are self-service shops. They are very popular but some people don’t like it. These people rather walk from shop to shop for a long time. I think another advantage of supermarkets that they have lower prices than small shops. I suppose this is because the bulk sale is cheaper.


The largest supermarket in our town is a self-service store. The first department to your right is the FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT with fresh fruit, for example, people can buy oranges, bananas, pineapples, apples, plums, peaches, pears, grape, cherry and different kinds of vegetables like onion, potato, paprika, carrot. The next department is the CONFECTIONERY where the shelves are full of with all sorts of sweets, chocolate bars, cakes, biscuits and other sweets. Then comes the BAKERY DEPARTMENT, which is always stocked with fresh bread, rolls, croissant, buns, etc. Further down are the DRY GROCERIES shelves where you can buy flour, cereals, tea, spices, salt, and sugar. There is also a big DAIRY DEPARTMENT with a large variety of dairy products: milk, cheese, butter, margarine, cream and yogurt. Next to the DAIRY DEPARTMENT there is the DELICATESSEN. At this department you can buy sausages, ham, bacon, salami and different kind of coldcuts. A special department handles PACKED MEATS. There is a wide choice of chicken, pork, beef, veal, duck and turkey so everybody can find the appropriate kind of meat. The best in supermarkets is that you can buy not only food but cosmetics, cleaning products or clothes.


When I do my shopping I walk from shelf to shelf. I fill my basket with the goods I need. After finishing shopping, I go to the cash-desk. Usually I have to queue for a long time. When it is my turn, the cashier adds up the bill on the cash register and gives me the receipt. I can pay with credit card or with cash. I prefer paying with credit card because I don’t like bringing cash with me. I pack all the goods in bags and leave the shop.



  • window-shopping -> kirakatnézegetés
  • especially ->  különösen
  • politely -> udvariasan
  • cold cuts -> felvágott
  • fill -> tölt, telerak
  • basket -> kosár
  • department -> részleg
  • queue up -> sorban áll
  • goods -> áru
  • counter -> pult
  • cash-desk -> pénztár, kassza
  • under one roof -> egy helyen
  • almost -> majdnem, csaknem
  • self-service -> önkiszolgáló
  • lower -> alacsonyabb
  • bulk -> nagy mennyiség
  • pineapple -> ananász
  • plum -> szilva
  • confectionery -> cukrászda
  • sweet -> édesség
  • bakery counter -> pékáru
  • stocked -> felszerel, áruval ellát
  • croissant ->kifli
  • bun -> zsemle
  • dry groceries -> fűszeráru
  • flour -> liszt
  • cereal -> gabonafélék
  • spice -> fűszer
  • dairy product-> tejtermékek
  • delicatessen -> csemegeáru
  • packed meats -> húsáru
  • veal -> borjúhús
  • cash desk -> pénztár(asztal)
  • it is my turn -> sorra kerülök
  • cash register -> pénztárgép
  • receipt -> nyugta
  • cosmetics -> kozmetikai eszközök
  • cleaning products -> tisztítószerek