
There are some days in the year when adults don’t have to work and children don’t have to go to school. These days are called holidays. One of the most well-known holidays is Christmas. Christmas is celebrated in most parts of the world. On the days of Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ so it is a Christian (religious) holiday. Christmas is held in December. The celebration of Christmas happens usually in the same way: people decorate their house and buy a pine tree which is decorated with Christmas ornaments, this is called the Christmas tree. People on Christmas day give presents to each other. Children believe that Santa Claus delivers the presents and goes to houses through the chimney. He is a fictional old man in red-suit with a long, white beard. Another famous Christian holiday is Easter Monday when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is celebrated in March or in April but the date is always different. Egg painting is an important tradition on Easter Monday. In some countries painted eggs or chocolate eggs are hidden and children have to find them. According to the traditions the Easter Bunny delivers these eggs.
However, some holidays (for example Christmas) are celebrated in more countries but some of them are celebrated by a specific nation only. For example, one of Hungary’s national holiday is 15th March, Revolution Day. On Revolution Day, the bravery of Hungarian people is celebrated who rebelled against the Austrian power in 1848. Unfortunately, the revolution was a failure but it was an important event in Hungary’s history and it is an important day in the lives of Hungarian people. On 15th March people wear a cockade with red, white and green colours and different speeches and events are given in connection with the revolution. Other nations also have their own independence day, for example, the Independence Day of the United States is held on 4th July and it is celebrated with fireworks.
- holiday -> ünnepnap
- Christmas -> Karácsony
- birth of Jesus Christ -> Jézus Krisztis születése
- Christian holiday -> keresztény ünnep (religious holiday -> vallási ünnep)
- to decorate -> díszíteni
- pine tree -> fenyőfa
- Christmas ornaments -> karácsonyi (karácsonyfa) díszek
- Christmas tree -> karácsonyfa
- present -> ajándék
- Santa Claus -> Télapó
- chimney -> kémény
- fictional -> kitalált
- tradition -> hagyomány
- Easter Monday -> Húsvét hétfő
- resurrection of Jesus Christ -> Jézus Krisztus újjászületése
- egg painting -> tojásfestés
- Easter Bunny -> húsvéti nyuszi
- national holiday -> nemzeti ünnep
- Revolution Day -> a forradalom napja
- to rebel -> fellázadni
- failure -> bukás
- cockade -> kokárda
- Independence Day -> Függetlenség Napja
- firework -> tüzijáték
#Good to know#
A szövegben gyakran találkozhattok az úgynevezett szenvedő szerkezettel (Passive voice).
Pl.: Christmas is held in December. -> Object + to be + V3 + in December.
Látható, hogy ebben az esetben a Christmas nem a mondat alanya, hanem a tárgya (object), így nem ő a cselekvés végrehajtója, hanem elszenvedi azt. A mondat aktív szerkezetben a következőképpen hangzana:
People hold Christmas in December. -> Az emberek Decemberben tartják a karácsonyt.
Ez a mondat azonban érezhetően furcsán hangzik, ezért is alkalmazott a passzív szerkezet.
A passzív szerkezetről bővebben ide kattintva olvashattok. 🙂
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