What you eat is very important for your health. Many people today have an unhealthy diet. They eat too much fast food and processed food. A healthy, balanced diet should include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fresh fruit and vegetables.
If you are overweight you can go on a diet to lose weight, for example avoiding food with too many calories. Many people today are vegetarians and don’t eat any meat. This is a healthy diet if you make sure eat enough protein from eggs and cheese-
To be healthy you should eat healthy food, such as chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, cheese, yoghurt, and cereals, exercise regularly and try to avoid stress.
A regular way of life is very important to good health. Have you meals at regular times, sports in the fresh air and sunshine. Many people who feel unwell or nervous are just exhausted, overworked and need a good rest.
I try to live in the healthiest way possible. I eat heathy food, thai is, little fat and sugar an lots of vegetables and fruit. I take exercises at home three times a week and walk a lot with my friends every day.