Health / illnesses
Health / illnesses
science/research serving medical care/genetics
alternative methods of healing
health tourism
In the last few decades /az elmúlt néhány évtizetben/ there have been many developments /fejlődés/ in scientific
fields /tudományos terület/. Researches /kutatások/ and experiments /kísérletek/ help us improve /fejleszt/ our
knowledge about our bodies, health and diseases /betegségek/. Based on the results /eredmények/, scientists
/tudósok/ and doctors can invent /feltalál/ new medicines, tools /eszközök/ and methods /módszerek/ which can
be much more effective /hatásos/ and useful, even against the most-feared /rettegett/ cancer, HIV and AIDS.
Interesting that, the best techniques and ideas were invented for military technology, but later spreaded out
/szétterjed/. It means that we care much more about /törődik vmivel/ fighting each other than curing /gyógyítás/
and healing /orvoslás/ even our own nation. For me it is a bit hard to understand, but if powerful /befolyásos/ and
influential /tekintélyes/ people see it as the right way to go, let it be this way.
As I see the things, there are three main groups of illnesses. The curable ones, the incurable ones, and the ones
which can be cured, but will appear /megjelenik/ again in a period of time /időközönként/. The incurable diseases
/betegségek/ can be life-threatening /életveszélyes/, like cancer, but luckily not every case ends up in death.
To talk a bit more about them, there are different options to choose from, when you got one. The first is that you
become devastated /elpusztított/, not care about it at all /egyáltalán/, and slowly but surely, it consumes
/elfogyaszt/ you little by little. The second option is that you want to stay alive, so you go to a doctor, and ask for
help. You can get different types of medicines; go to several therapies and treatments /gyógykezelések/. Some of
my family members had different types of cancer, and as it is hardly curable, unfortunately they met their end.
Euthanasia is a method for gracious /kegyes/ death, when somebody is suffering /szenved/ from something
which is unquestionably /vitathatatlanul/ lethal /halálos/, like cancer or HIV/AIDS. This type of death is
requested /kér/ by the suffering people, who are not able to live with the fact /tény/ that they would die in any
moment, like in the last period of cancer, or have so serious and life-threatening injuries /sérülések/ or other
Though /bár/ in some countries and states it is forbidden /tilos/, people firmly /határozottan/ and completely
/teljes mértékben/ have the rights to their own lives and even death, which can’t be taken by others. According
/vmi vonatkozásában/ to the law, people can take their own life by suicide /öngyilkosság/ or euthanasia. If one’s
forbidden, they choose the other awfulness /szörnyűség/.
By suicide, people can be prevented /megakadályoz/ from suffering at the end of their life, from low living
standards, even from abusement /megaláztatás/ and forced /kikényszerített/ prostitution. It may be a relief
/megkönnyebülés/ in these situations, and can free up more medical funds /(pénz)alap/ to others, who really need
it, who wants to stay alive.
Also, people who live in places where euthanasia is forbidden, they invented /feltalál/ the „euthanasia-tourism”,
which is about that they go to a country, where it is legal and according to their wish, they die there. This is
another method for being free. Switzerland, the Netherlands.
As I see it, euthanasia is not a bad thing, as it keeps away people from suffering and everything is happening as
they want it to be like. In front of me, the only one thing that would deter /elrettent/ me from it if I would be so
ill, like in the last period of cancer, the fact that my beloved ones may forgive it to me, as they could understand
it. But suicide is different. It is very selfish, even if everything is hopeless in your life.
Also, there are other alternative methods of healing, like the homeopathic medicines, which are based on
hundred precent natural components /összetevő/, like herbs /gyógynövény/, which were used since the human
appeared /megjelenik/ on Earth. Even a few decades ago there were no special medicines, drugs, pills and other
stuff, but there were the nature, which people would believe in. There were some really nice samples
/mintapélda/ when someone’s belief /hit/ was strong enough to get well. This is the base idea of placebo pills.
They are simply made of glucose, and mostly used as fake antidepressant /antidepresszáns/ pills.
Of course, if we don’t want to fill ourselves with any kinds of pills or medicines, there are other alternatives, like
specific massages, energy therapies, essential oils /illóolajok/, mind therapies, or if whole body parts /
(alkotó)rész/ are injured /megsérül/, we can go and take up /hozzáfog vmihez/ some kind of sport. As I had
problems with my spine, I had to go swimming and took part in a physiotherapy class each week. Alone, it
wouldn’t be so enjoyable, but as I’m going as a member of a group made mostly of girls from my school and at
my age, it’s much more fun than work for my health.
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