(dressing, eating, culture, consumer products, etc.)
globalisation/maintaining national characteristics
As ancient /ősi/ people started to explore /felfedez/ the world they didn’t know, they met new cultures and
traditions /hagyományok/, as they found other ones living further /tovább/ from them. By /által/ conquering
/meghódított/ new areas /területek/, slowly they started to adapt to /alkalmazkodik vmihez/ the new things and
take the more improved /tökéletesített/ nationalities’ habits and traditions, like the Arabic numbers, the
medical /egészségügyi, orvosi/ and healing /gyógyítási/ traditions, all in all /mindent egybevetve/, they
adopted /átvesz/ everything that could be useful them sooner or later /előbb vagy utóbb/. It is how the habits and
traditions got mixed /összekeveredik/ and the bounds /határok/ blurred /elmosódtak/ little by little /apránként/.
These days it is the same way, but with little changes. We are not trying to conquer /meghódít/ others, but we still
take the other’s habits, we move from a place to an other, change even our country, and nothing is fixed /állandó/
in our lives, only our relatives.
If we take an American and a Hungarian boy and a girl for an example, probably /valószínűleg/ there’s no
difference between them, except from their mother language. Why? Because as globalization spreads /kiterjed/,
the youth /fiatalok/ try to be similar to each other, we forget about our old traditions, make or adopt new ones
from other cultures. We may be against something in our country, so we move to an other, maybe to a new
continent. Everything can be changed and changes from moment to moment, not taking into consideration
/figyelembe vesz valamit/ the color of our skin, the religions, the origins /származás/, the backgrounds, and we
don’t even notice /észrevesz/ it, when we cook a traditional French dish /fogás/ or go to a Chinese restaurant in
Spain, even though /még akkor is, ha/ we are Germans, who originally /eredetileg/ were born in Hungary, and so
If somebody would ask about the languages, well, there are hardly any bounds these days, as in the schools kids
start to learn foreign ones, before they could even speak, write and think well on their mother tongue. Thanks to
globalization, we hardly can tell apart /megkülönböztet/ a French, a Spanish, a German and a Hungarian girl,
because everyone can change their body so drastically /drasztikusan/ that even their mother could not
recognize /felismer/ them.
On the Internet we can find texts in all the languages that exist now, but sometimes extinct /holt, kihalt/
languages can show up, which – despite the fact that /annak ellenére, hogy/ officially /hivatalkosan/ are not used
– may be in use, like Latin, which primarily /elsősorban/ is used in medical fields /orvosi terület/.
There are multinational companies which were born in a place and then became too big for even the whole
country, and as it collected /gyűjt/ more and more money, decided /(el)dönt/ to spread /kiterjed/ a little and built a
new branch /leányvállalat, ágazat/ in a near country. Just to mention some of them, there is Audi in the car
business. It is a German company, but there is a factory in Hungary, in Győr. These multinational companies
make it available /lehetővé tesz/ to buy their products at lower prices, as they try to produce /gyárt, termel/ the
parts /részek/ in the places it worth the most /legjobban megéri/. Also, by spreading /terjesztés által/, it gives
people more opportunities /lehetőségek/ to work, and they don’t always need a lot of experience /tapasztalat/.
This way we can keep our nationality and traditions without any change or influence /hatás/ made by the other
countries we could have work if we would want to work for a specific /speciális/ company or work in a specific
Of course, be letting /beengedése/ those factories into our countries also means that they pollute /szennyez/ our
environment /környezet/, too, which is a problem, but people don’t usually like to think about it, as they see the
lower prices and the influence of those products. This is a form of uniformity as we dress, eat and use almost
/majdnem, szinte/ in the same way every time. After these, everyone can decide whether /vajon/ globalization is
good for them or not.