
Culture / entertainment

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Culture / entertainment

role of arts in the past and present
public collections and their maintenance
historic sites művészeti

In ancient times art was for reasons that are not at least similar to nowadays’ sense. Like the wall paintings in the
caves, the arts were used to spread information, share knowledge or collect memories to show them to others.
These days we mean theater, dance, film, music, writing and other methods of entertainment by arts. The reason
why we turn to art is because we would like to relax, enjoy something that we found beautiful or useful, or the
artists would like to get some money with what they loves the most. What I can perfectly understand. My biggest
dream is to live off writing.
We can see the moments of everyday life, like clothing, hunting, eating, child-raising, food production, or even
love and connections in the past on the paintings and drawings, or hear about them in old songs. Also, while we
are analyzing the old pieces of art, we even can see the current beliefs /közhiedelem/ and facts that were there at
the time when the pieces were made. From the Gregorian music we know that in the Middle Ages God was a
very important topic, from the cave paintings we know how our first ancestors /ősök/ lived, from the paintings
we know what were people wearing and from the buildings we can track /nyomon követ/ construction /szerkezet/
of the evolution, and so on.
These days, I would say that the arts’ role /szerep/ changed from giving information to help relaxing and
entertain people. As we are walking on the streets, we plug /bedug/ our ears in and listen to our favourite music
to chill out, or to speed up the time until we get to a place from another. When we see a painting on showcase
/tárlat/ we think „Well, that would look nice on my wall, I like the landscapes /tájképek/”, instead of /vmi helyett/
trying to figure out which biblical scene we can see, or from what age is that picture from.
Also, there are different styles for different tastes /ízlés/: everyone can find the art form or style that suits their
needs /megfelel az igényeinek/ most. For me, it is hardly expressible /kifejezhető/, as I enjoy drawing and
painting as much as singing or writing novels, lyrics and poems, too, like learning to play on different musical
instruments. Although /noha/, it is very important to keep in mind that because we are not similar, our tastes are
different, too. This way there are things that I really love, while my best friend may think that’s not her cup of
tea. Art itself is really subjective /egyéni/ as it satisfies /kielégít/ everyone’s taste at the same time, but on
different ways, with different tools /eszközök/ and productions.
The greatest arts are usually showed in museums, or their copies are on display /ki van állítva/, to show people
pieces from older cultures. A very big percentage of the important and or expensive creations /alkotások/ are in
public collections, which mean that museums possess /rendelkezik vmivel/ them, not average /átlag/ people.
These masterpieces /remekmű/ have special needs and are very hard to maintain /fenntart/. These tasks /feladat/
need experienced /tapasztalt/ and trustworthy /megbízható/ restaurateurs and professors to restore them to a quite
good condition, maybe even better than the original state. Also, they cost incredible amounts /összeg/ of money,
and if something goes wrong, breaks down /tönkremegy/ and can’t be fixed on an original piece, the damage
/kár/ is irreparable /helyrehozhatatlan/, as we lost a piece of culture and history. The other way to impair
/megrongál/ the masterpieces is when somebody wants to get rich soon, steal one from a museum or from a
personal collection and sells it on the black market. During /alatt, folyamán/ this progress /fejlődés/ the
artworks /műalkotások/ can go through incredible /hihetetlen/ trials /megpróbáltatásokon/ and can be losen easily
for ever.
This was about the older ones, but we have to mention the artists of these days. Not everyone of them has
enough money to do artworks, so some richer people may help them with giving money to work, but as a trade
/üzlet/, they can get whatever /bármit/ they want from the artists. These mentors’ and/or sponsors’ task too, is to
help their mentored /mentorál/ ones to show their works on exhibition /kiállítás/, in galleries or museums. This
way more and more people can be informed about the new talents, be interested in their works and who knows,
maybe buy some masterpieces.
When somebody wants to get a piece of art, basically /alapjában véve/ there are two ways to do it: the first one is
when they sell and buy things directly, at a discussed /megbeszélt/ price, the other way is to organize /szervez/ an
auction. In the second case more possible consumers /fogyasztók/ may show up /megjelenik/, and they race
against each other by who can give more money for a thing they would like to. Mostly, on auctions, we can see
antiquities /antikvitás/ or pieces of art from private collections, which were hidden /rejtett/ from the world, until
they got to the auction, because maybe their owner died, or couldn’t pay their debts /adósság/, so decided to sell
some „unnecessary” /szükségtelen/ things.



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