Current topics / events
Current topics / events
public life/politics/NGOs
NGO is a catch-all /mindent megvizsgáló/, vague /bizonytalan/ term /kifejezés/, which refers to /céloz vmire/ any
independent /független/ voluntary /önkéntes/ association /egyesület/ of people acting /cselekszik/ together to
achieve /elér/ common /közös/ purpose /cél/, either /egyik/ to the benefit /haszon/ of their own members /tagok/,
or in the interests of their fellow countrymen /honfitárs/.
Religious organisations /szervezetek/, scientific bodies /tudományos csoportok/ and trade unions /szakszervezet/
are also treated /bánik vmivel/ as NGOs by the United Nations.
National NGOs champion /síkra száll/ their causes /ügyek/ at national level /nemzeti/. International NGOs, such
as Greenpeace conduct /vezet/ their programmes worldwide (and serve /nyújt/ their members and the universal
public by disseminating /elterjesztés/ information, designing /tervezés/ and implementing /végrehajtás/ projects
and conducting /irányítás/ research /kutatás/).
It is better to say it in the very beginning that I do not have any political views /vélemény/ or interests, before we
would start. I don’t watch news, but I hear things about the current political situations.
These days so many things are happening and running on TV, like the Europe migrant crisis or visiting of the
president of China in the USA. All of them are so important, because every step of humanity have
consequences /következmény/, and if we do something, it not only affects /hat/ our own life, but it has influence
on /hatással van vmire/vkire/ others, too.
About two weeks ago the president of China was on his first official state visit to the United States. He discussed
about the fighting cybercrime and the climate change with Barack Obama. The president of the United States
said for the world’s two largest economies /gazdaságok/, energy consumers /fogyasztók/ and carbon emitters
/szénkibocsátók/ to came together like this, there was no reason for other countries – whether developed or
developing – to not do so as well. („For the world’s two largest economies, energy consumers and carbon
emitters to come together like this, there is no reason for other countries – whether developed or developing – to
not do so as well /ne így tegyenek/.”)
Recently /mostanában/ the other huge problem is the migrant crisis. The eyes of the world are upon us. The
migrant people come here without registration, they don’t let them register. Some of the migrants try to go
forward to Germany with fake documents. Lately our government has beefed up /megerősít/ the border between
Hungary and Serbia with army and has built a fence /akadály, kerítés/.
The illegal crossing of the country’s border is a crime punishable by imprisonment /börtönbüntetéssel járó
bűncselekmény/. Like in the case of America, people staying in the states illegally are being expellee
/száműzött/, when it turns out /kiderül/ that they are illegal immigrants, and they might be punished /lehet,
megbüntetik/ for it, as for working without any documents or permission /endegély/.
All in all as I see the things that are going around me, Hungary is going deeper and deeper on the slope /lejtő/.
More and more countries and monetary /pénzügyi/ unions and companies say that our little country will end up
with /végzi vhol/ bankrupt /csőd/ soon. But I hope something will happen instead of /vmi helyett/ that.
Let’s talk about a more neutral /semleges/ topic, like sports. In 2012 the Olympic Games were held in London.
That was the third time it was organized /(meg)rendez/ there, and the 30th Olympics at all.
It is a very important event in history, as it is held every fourth year in different countries and it involves /magába
foglal/ a lot of people from different countries. In my opinion, involving /kiterjedés, érintés/ so many nations
/nemzetek/ symbolizes a kind of peace between them, as they are racing /versenyez/ each other friendly, and
those who do not play a fair game were attacked by each /minden/ group, even if he or she is their best
competitor /versenyző/. Whoever /bárki/ takes any drug or tries to dope /doppingol/, automatically excludes
/kizár/ themselves. In 2012 32 kinds of sport and 302 competitions /verseny(szám)/ were held. 205 nations
attended with 10,500 competitors. I honestly believe that this is a very good thing to hear, because at least
/legalább/ in sports we can join /csatlakozik, összekapcsolódik/ each other.
The Paralympics are also important, though /bár/ less /kevesebb/ people watch it on TV. Basically, Paralympics
are held for the disabled /mozgássérült/ all around the globe, who do sports. It all began in 1984, when professor
Dr Ludwig Gottmann, who was working with soldiers, who came back from war with spine /gerinc/ injuries
/sérülés/ organized an archery /íjászat/ competition for the injured /sérült/ people. It was a great experience
/tapasztalat/ for the competitors and the beginning of the development /fejlődés/ of parasports. The doctors
working in the same hospital soon /hamarosan/ recognized /felismer/ how much the sport means to the people
they cure /gyógyít/ daily /naponta/, and how effectively /hatékonyan/ sports help them with making the recovery
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