first-class sports – mass sports/doping
professionalism/amateurism in sport/extreme
sport and women (chess, boxing, weightlifting)
sports and marketing
Sport is a very important thing is one’s life. It can protect our health, our body, refresh the mind, strengthen
/megerősít/ us inside and outside, not to talk about the reduction /csökkenés/ of the daily stress. As we are
different, we can’t all be in just one specific sport, so during the centuries and millenniums /ezredév/, people
invented /feltalál/ several kinds of sports with different moves, rules, equipment /képesség/ and requirements
/követelmények/. Some are dangerous, some are not, your choice may depend on your physical abilities
/képességek/ and the fact that how adventurous /vakmerő/ you are. There are extreme sports for the adrenaline
lovers, like hiking /túrázás/, windsurfing, scuba diving or parachuting /ejtőernyőzés/, slow sports which need
more concentration and more use of your brain, like chess and golf, there are the martial arts /harcművészetek/
and their branches /ágazatai/, and the list could go on for long pages.
For me, I tried lots of sports as a hobby and/or a form to keep fit, folkdance, Zumba, running, horse riding etc.
As I see it, women might like doing sport more than men, as we are considered to be more worried about our
health and shape, so small wonder that we have at least the same number of girls as boys on each training. Men
are said to be lazier /lustább/ and I would say we can see less men running on the streets alone.
Health problems can be a cause why people take up /belekezd/ different sports, like jogging against obesity
/túlsúlyosság/ and heart problems. Sports can do wonders for our health, by strengthening /megerősítés/ our
muscles, bones, heart and lungs /tüdők/. An other cause why we choose them as our free time activities is that the
fact that it reduces the daily stress and the chance of getting a heart attack.
In Hungary soccer /labdarúgás/ is definitely /kétségtelenül/ one of the most popular sports, besides handball,
which shows increasing statistics. I would say that a very big percentage, about 80% of the young boys play
soccer regularly, and if we ask a little boy what would he like to become, he would answer: soccer player. A lot
of boys practice it as their favourite activity during their scholar years, but when they finish their schools, they
give it up and find a suitable /testhez álló/ job.
Some boys still keep running after their dreams and they become soccer players until they can. As a player, you
won’t be able to be on the pitch /pálya/ until the end of your life, because as a forty-year-old man, you are
considered to be a veteran, a very old player. When you get too old, you quit the team and have to find another
job, which is a very unlucky situation, unless you would make a good leader /vezető/ and teacher, and a team
would need your help as a couch /edző/.
For women, it’s usually not the same, though we really do like sports. There are many exceptions /kivétel/ that
show, we can be even better than the males. Just for an example, the first Hungarian world champion in karate
was a female, not a male. Even, there are the very famous chess-player girls, the three Polgár sisters. Their father
taught them how to play chess at a very young age and they become so great professionals that they and their
father had to invent /feltalál/ other, more difficult ways to play this black and white, but not at all boring game.
And once if we talk about chess, we should also mention some idiot sports, like chess boxing. I’ve first heard
about it a few years ago. It is made up of several turns, one game of chess, and a box match. The player who
wants to win has to be very fit both in body and mind.
Also, there is the so famous wife-carrying competition, which was invented in Finland as has the basic idea that
the husbands have to carry their wives on /folytat/ their back at the fastest speed they can, through several
obstacles /akadály/. Who is the fastest and doesn’t hurt, drop /eldob/ or leave his wife wins.
An other idiot sport which spreads /elterjed/ around the world with the speed of light /fénysebesség/ is the cell
phone throwing. You just have to toss /dob/ it in the air, the goal is that it has to fly a long distance /nagy
távolságok/ up /felrepül/ so high, and land at the furthest point. Sometimes I can’t see a clever point in a game or
its rules, but it still can be very enjoyable /élvezetes/ for someone.