School life

I think we need to learn all over our lifetime. A baby learns his or her mother language in 3 years whereas a student learns a foreign language for 10-12 years. The Hungarian educational system has different levels. Firstly, little children can go to the crèche till the age of 3 so parents can go back to work. Next is kindergarten where the child learns how to be together with other children. When the children are 6 years old, they go to primary school. In the first class they learn reading and writing. After that, they have a lot of other subjects, for example, history, geography, biology, maths, chemistry, Hungarian language and literature and foreign language (English and German languages are the most popular). After primary school children must choose a secondary school. They can go to a secondary grammar school or a vocational grammar school. Secondary school is more difficult than primary school. There are a lot of requirements and curriculums. At the end of the fourth year the students take the final exam. It takes 5 subjects: maths, history, Hungarian language and literature, foreign language and an optional subject. After secondary school students can go to university or college where they can choose what they would like to learn.