
Economical and social characterization of region of the North Great Plain

3 perc olvasás
Economical and social characterization of region of the North Great Plain


  • population: 1,550,000 people
  • population density: 87.5 p/
  • population of the North Great Plain is constant the annual variation is only 0.03%.
  • unemployment: 90,000 people are not employed
  • there are not small cities: people live in villages and large cities,  this evolved under the Turkish Reign
  • Gipsy population is about 50,000
  • religion.-1,150,000 people are members of a religious group
  • the most popular churches-Catholic /550,000 p./
  • Calvinist /550,000 p./


  • landscape: it is a plain, so the variation of height not reaches 200m
  • it is poor in minerals /except some recourses/
  • it has good soil and climate
  • agriculture and processing industry, which settled on it, is developed
  • the development of the infrastructure is under the territorial (országos) average

Counties of the North Plain:-Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

  • Hajdú-Bihar county
  • Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county

There are big differences between the counties inside the region.:

  • H.-B. c.:-It has multi-faceted agriculture and industry.
  • Debrecen has central role.
  • J.-N.-Sz. c.:-Mean developed (közepesen fejlett) area.
  • Sz.-Sz.-B. c.:-It is at a disadvantage (hátrányos helyzetben van).-small settlements
  • high rate of unemployment
  • unfavourable soil attributes (talajadottságok)

Hajdú-Bihar County:

Minerals (ásványkincsek):

  • the natural gas extraction (kitermelés) is significant and there is a bit mineral oil extraction

Industry:-industry is settled in the cities

  • Debrecen has multi-faced industry:-chemical-, food-, press industry and production of agricultural machines and bearing (csapágy)
  • Other cities with factories:-Hajdúszoboszló-chemical industry
  • Téglás-production of machines

Agriculture:-in this county agriculture has an important role

  • main cultivated plants:-wheat
  • corn
  • potato
  • sugar-beet
  • animal breeding:-cow-9% of the Hungarian substance is in this county
  • swine-10%
  • sheep-20%

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County:


  • extraction of the natural gas and mineral oil is should be noted
  • extraction of raw materials of the building industry is significant-sand
  • clay


  • it is settled in the cities
  • leading branches:-machine industry-Jászberény
  • Szolnok
  • food industry-poultry processing-Törökszentmiklós
  • milk industry-Tiszafüred
  • mill industry-Törökszentmiklós
  • sugar industry-Szolnok
  • vegetable oil and bier production-Martfű
  • baking industry-Szolnok
  • other existing branches in this county: -chemical industry-Szolnok
  • paper industry-Szolnok
  • furniture industry-Szolnok
  • shoe production-Martfű

Agriculture:-in this county agriculture has an important role

  • main cultivated plants:-wheat
  • sunflower
  • corn
  • sugar-beet
  • alfalfa (lucerna)
  • rice-90% of the Hungarian rice casting area (vetőterület) is in this county
  • animal breeding: -there is about 7-8% of the Hungarian substance of swine, cow and sheep
  • there are about 4000 horses
  • and more than one million poultries

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County:

  • only sand, and clay are extracted in this county


  • leading branch:-food industry-Kisvárda
  • other important branches in this county:-chemical industry
  • textile industry
  • machine industry
  • wood industry-Vásárosnamény
  • Tuzsér
  • centres of the industry:-Nyíregyháza:-food industry
  • gum industry (gumiipar)
  • Tiszavasvári:-medical industry
  • Nyírbátor:-shoe industry
  • Záhony:-its industry is built on the border traffic


  • main cultivated plants:-field (szántóföldi) plants-wheat, corn, sugar-beet and potato
  • fruits-apple, plum, cherry and nut
  • animal breeding:-there is about 5% of the Hungarian substance of swine and cow
  • there is 16.5% of the Hungarian substance of sheep
  • there is about 6.5% of the Hungarian substance of poultry