Current questions on economy / society
Current questions on economy / society
smuggling goods/people
dangers of smoking/taking drogs
There are various /különféle/ motivations to smuggle /csempészik/. These include /tartalmaz/ the participation
/részvétel/ in illegal trade /kereskedelem/, such as in the drug trade, in illegal immigration /bevándorlás/ or
illegal emigration /kivándorlás/, tax evasion /adókikerülés/, providing contraband /csempészet/ to inmates of the
prison /börtönlakók/ or the theft /lopás/ of the items /áruk/ being smuggled. Examples of non-financial /nem
anyagi/ motivations include bringing banned /tiltott/ items past /átvisz/ a security checkpoint – such as airline
security –, or the removal /eltávolítás/ of classified /bizalmas/ documents from a government or a corporate
/vállalati/ office.
A lot of smuggling happens in our country too, especially from the Ukrainian and Serbian side. Hundreds of
Roma people and different families benefit /haszon/ from smuggling, and even they live on the money or other
benefits they get from it. Incredible /hihetetlen/ amounts /összegek/ can be smuggled through /át, keresztül/ the
borders /határokon/, and unfortunately, the smugglers are not always get noticed /észrevéve, lefülelve/, as they
worked out different tricks /trükk/ against the checks. They transport /szállít/ not only cigarettes and drugs, but
even petrol /benzin/ and small animals, like rare /ritka/ birds, which are illegal to hunt for in a country, but are
eaten and bought at a high price in other places, where these species /fajok/ can’t be found. Mostly the animal
smuggling people get the animals here, in Hungary and usually transport the rare species to France.
Also they can smuggle people, who, – in a hope of a new, good life – would sacrifice /feláldoz/ everything that is
theirs, but usually are caught /catch; becsap/. This is why they started to immigrate illegally. Though /bár/, they
still /még/ had to eat, so they started to work, also not legally. Today, this has become a huge problem again. The
eyes of the world are upon us because of the migrant crisis. The migrant people come here without registration,
they don’t let them register. Some of the migrants try to go forward to Germany with fake documents. Lately our
government has beefed up /megerősít/ the border between Hungary and Serbia with army and has built a fence
The illegal crossing of the country’s border is a crime punishable by imprisonment /börtönbüntetéssel járó
bűncselekmény. Like in the case of America, people staying in the states illegally are being expellee /száműzött/,
when it turns out /kiderül/ that they are illegal immigrants, and they might be punished /lehet, megbüntetik/ for
it, as for working without any documents or permission /endegély/.
Let me to talk about an other topic: dangers of smoking and taking drugs. People like to try out dangerous things,
especially /különösen/ when they are young, they feel that they are strong and powerful from every viewpoint
and they think they can let themselves do anything. Very often they try out smoking and drinking alcoholic
drinks, and sometimes even drugs. If somebody does this more than they should, they can easily become
addicted /függő/, and these kinds of obsessions /szenvedély/ mean great health hazards /kockázat/, and people
can easily die, because of overdose /túladagolás/ or something like that. I don’t do drugs. I have never tried any
of them. I was smoking years, but I gave it up. Of course, smoking is not good for the passive-smokers, neither.
These are the people that basically are not smoking, but are breathing in the air that somebody polluted
/szennyezett/ with the smoke of their cigarettes. Serious measurements /méreteket/ have been taken in Hungary,
and from the 1 st January 2012 smoking is banned /tilos/ and punished in public places.