Culture and civilization
Culture and civilization
The home country and the target language country
fame/recognition in the world/
their relationship to each other
differences in traditions/ customs /ideology
(The United Kingdom (UK) consists of England, Wales, Scotland (which collectively /együttesen/ make up
/alkot/ Great Britain) and Northern Ireland. The UK’s geography is varied /változatos/, and includes /magába
foglal/ cliffs /sziklák/ along /mentén/ some coastlines /partvonal/, highlands /felvidék/ and lowlands /síkság,
alföld/ and hundreds of islands off /távoli/ the western and northern coasts /partvidék/ of Scotland.
The most important sectors of the UK’s economy in 2014 were public administration, defence /védelem/,
education, human health and social work activities /tevékenység/ (18.3 %), wholesale /nagykereskedelem/ and
retail /kiskereskedelem/ trade /üzlet/, transport, accommodation /szállás/ and food services (18.4 %) and industry
/ipar/ (13.5 %).)
The UK’s main export partners are Germany, the United States and the Netherlands, while its main import
partners are Germany, China and USA.
The United Kingdom is a recognized /elismert/ state with strong economy and deep-rooted /mélyen gyökerező/
traditions. System of government of UK is kingdom and the citizens respect the royalties /a királyi család tagjai/
so much.
UK is one of the founding members /alapító tag/ of the European Union, but they didn’t changeover their
currency, the Pound to the Euro. Because of Pound is strong enough, even stronger than Euro. The other reason
of that, if they changeover to the Euro, the Queen should smile from the back of their currency.
Official currency of Hungary is not Euro, neither, but the reasons are more serious. I see the things that are going
around me, Hungary is going deeper and deeper on the slope /lejtő/. More and more countries and monetary
/pénzügyi/ unions and companies say that our little country will end up with /végzi vhol/ bankrupt /csőd/ soon.
But I hope something will happen instead of /vmi helyett/ that.
All the same our country is small and in opinion of many nations it’s insignificant /jelentéktelen/, we are
professional in sports. For example time after time /időről időre/ we are medalist in Olympic Games.
Let me talk about a little bit ideology of these two countries. I think English people are more kind, polite, and
helpful than Hungarians. I honestly believe that the reason of it the our economic situation. Because if you have
enough money to live off, you become happier and hopeful.
More and more Hungarians immigrate to the United Kingdom, to take their chance. Hungarians in the United
Kingdom include /beleértve/ (Hungarian born immigrants to the UK and their descendants /leszármazott/, of
which there are a substantial number /jelentős számú/.) Since Hungary joined the European Union in 2004, the
UK’s Hungarian population has grown significantly /jelentősen/, with the Hungarian-born population rising
/felemelkedik/ from 13,000 in 2001 to 52,000 in 2011.
Besides Hungarian immigrants there are Polish, Indian, Arabian, Syrian and so on. Number of French
immigrants is also substantial, and what is more /sőt mi több/ there are French schools. There is more tolerant
attitude towards /iránt, szemben, kapcsolatban vkivel/vmivel/ minorities /kisebbségek/ and immigrants as
compared /összehasonlítva/ to other countries in Europe. The reason that London works as a multi-cultural
international city is that everybody’s there. Of course everybody speak or learn English.
English and Hungarian tranditions and customs are little bit different. Maybe the biggest difference /különbség/
of celebrations connected to /kapcsolódik vmihez/ Christmas. In England when children go to bed on Christmas
Eve, they hang up /felakaszt/ an old sock /zokni/ at the head /támla/ of their bed for Father Christmas, also called
Santa Claus, to put presents in. In Hungary Santa Claus comes on 6th of December. Easter and namedays are not
so important in UK such as over here. But the Queen’s birthday is very significant /jelentős/ there. In
traditionally on second Sunday in June hundreds of people go to watch the ʽTrooping of the Colour’ /”menetelés
a színekben”/, that is, the Queen inspecting /megtekint/ the troops /katonákat/ parading their regimental flag
/ezredzászló/. This is a colourful ceremony which takes place on the Horse Guards Parade in central London.