
A tanulás világa

8 perc olvasás

I was fond of class outings. There was a confidential-clerk in my class who was pointed/marked by our head-master. He had to collect the money from each classmate. We usually went to a trip in every year as usual in Hungary. We often visited famous museums, castles or churches. My elder cousins used to regularly go for gathering or vintage from their school. They were fetched by the school-bus and sometimes they got a little salary, too. In my time the repeated occasions were the carnival in February or school-balls and you could apply for the summer’s camp if you wanted to. However, I’ve never taken a part in a camp. During the year we commemorate all the public holidays and important events of Hungarian history with some productions prepared and performed by alternate classes. Every year in February or March there is a party organised in honour of the school leaving students. Both humorous skits and some serious programmes are performed by the third-year students and each school leaver is presented a blue ribbon marking the years they have spent in school. Then a big school ball is held, the greatest attraction of which are the ball-opening dances. In May the school leaving ceremonies continue and the fourth-year students wander around the school. The last phase of these ceremonies is the final party or school-leaving feast, which is always held after the final exams. Each form goes out to a nice restaurant with their teachers and they eat and drink to their hearts’ content to make the end of the school years memorable. In addition to it, on these days a serenade is held by the leaving students, which means they go for visit their teachers in their private flat or detached house and they are singing a kind song to say goodbye to him or her. Készítette:  Somogyi Péter – [email protected]


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